Growth / Living On Your Own

Ways to Deal With Loneliness When Living on Your Own

Living alone has many advantages, including the freedom to pursue your interests without having to worry about others’ opinions.

But there are also downsides, such as loneliness and isolation.

There are a lot of ways to deal with loneliness when you are living on your own.

The first step is to learn to deal with them. If you don’t like being alone or being in crowds, deal with these situations proactively and promptly.

When you are living on your own you’ll have to be prepared to wade through the challenge of loneliness.

Dealing With Loneliness

There are several ways to deal with loneliness when you’re living on your own.

Getting more outgoing and social can make you feel less lonely, but you can’t let your loneliness control your life.

Instead, you need to think of ways to build deeper connections and make them last.

Social Media is Helpful But Not Healthy

Social media can make you feel connected for a while, but once you log off, you’ll feel isolated again.

Plus, it can cause an unhealthy dependence on technology. The best way to cure loneliness is through real human connections, which are harder to make but never go away.

To start a conversation with a friend, try texting him or her.

Using social media can help you start a conversation, but you must remember that your time with these people is valuable as well.

Try to set up in-person time instead of texting to start a conversation. If you’re lonely of a particular person, go out for lunch or coffee with them to discuss the issues that are bothering you.

The Danger of Social Media

With this approach, remember that not everyone can be trusted. Always make sure you practise all safety checks for meeting up with contacts you met over the internet.

There are many dangers of social media such as cyber bullying, internet theft, human trafficking and invasion of privacy etc.

The more in-person time you spend with real people, the better.

Creating Routines

It might be tempting to hide in your room and stay home alone. But a night time ritual that you enjoy can make you feel more connected.

For example, fragrance oil can help you relax. You can also write down your thoughts or use a journal to process your feelings.

It is helpful to limit your time on social media and instead use video calls and quick connection with friends.

You can also sign up for Meetup  events and other similar services.

Talking to friends and family about your feelings of loneliness is also important.

It can be helpful to share how you feel and how you can deal with loneliness.

The best way to do this is by making new friends.

Psychotherapy is also a great option for dealing with loneliness when living on your own.

The therapy will help you understand how to deal with loneliness and make it a positive experience. However, if you’re feeling lonely for no apparent reason, you should seek help.

Loneliness is not the only challenge you will face when you are living on your own.

You need to possess other crucial life skills in the areas of money, taking responsibility, cleanliness and keeping yourself safe and happy.

Below we explore some of the crucial life skills and hacks that you need to live a healthy and balanced life on your own.

Decide Whether or Not You Want To Rent Or Buy A Home

There are pros and cons to renting versus buying a home. Renting means you’ll pay less up front, but you’ll also need to make monthly payments.

Buying a home means you’ll pay more upfront, but you won’t have to worry about paying rent every month.

It’s important to weigh these two options carefully before deciding what’s right for you.


If you are a student, living on your own presents a number of unique financial challenges.

Despite the financial independence, you may find it challenging to keep track of every expense, from groceries to entertainment.

But a budget can help you keep your spending under control. First, determine how much you spend each month on fixed costs.

After all, you’ll need to pay rent, utilities, insurance, and some other essentials.

Next, allocate a portion of your income to flexible expenses.

Consider taking shopping trips to determine what you can afford to spend, as well as how much you spend on entertainment and other entertainment.

Make a list of fixed and variable expenses.

Determine how much you spend on each category, starting with your fixed expenses (such as rent and utilities), and then add up the amounts you spend on variable expenses.

You can also use a personal finance software program to help you with this process. Once you have a list of your monthly expenses, set a budget based on your needs and wants.

Your monthly spending limit should equal your total income.

After determining your essential expenses, it’s time to focus on what you want to spend your money on. Food is one of the most expensive expenses, so try to cook your own meals or share them with a friend.

This will help you avoid impulse purchases, and will help you stay within your budget.

You can spend up to 30% of your income on wants, which are not essential but improve your quality of life. It’s best to budget for food once a month or so and reduce your overall expenses.

Getting Support

When you live on your own, you have to take on more responsibility than ever before.

You may have to learn how to care for yourself and your household.

Perhaps you don’t even enjoy spending time alone, and being responsible for the maintenance of a home is a difficult task.

If you’re facing this dilemma, there are many ways to get help and support. Here are some tips for helping yourself cope with living alone:

Getting support when living on your own is extremely important during this transitional time.

While you may prefer your space, you may miss human contact and emotional support from family members.

It is natural to feel scared or lonely, but eventually, you’ll settle into a routine and be comfortable with the strange noises around you.

Aside from your friends and family, you may also want to consider talking to a therapist. This person can help you process your feelings and provide you with emotional support.

Cleaning Up

Living on your own can be difficult because everyone has different standards of cleanness. What you consider ‘messy’ to someone else might be a minor inconvenience to another.

And while you might be able to tolerate a normal amount of mess, others may find the task of cleaning up after yourself a chore.

Also, you may be surprised to find that you often do not even recognize the most basic tasks.

So, here are some helpful tips to make cleaning easier for yourself:

  • Get used to cleaning the whole house and not just a single room at a time
  • Declutter frequently
  • Make your life easy by ensuring you ahem the right cleaning tools that make cleaning easy, quick and efficient
  • Establish a sweep then mop routine

Financial Implications of Living On Your Own

Rent is one of the largest expenses for a new renter, so it is important to budget for it.

Make sure you can afford to pay at least one month’s rent in advance, and consider using a budgeting app to calculate your expenses.

It is also a good idea to set up an emergency fund, just in case you run out of money. Once you have a comfortable bed, you can buy other furniture.

Rent increases when you move out on your own. While some apartments include utilities in the rent, others don’t.

These include heat, water, sewer, electricity, cable, gas, and internet.

Whether you choose to include these utilities in your rent or pay extra each month is up to you, but you should also take into account any additional expenses, such as renter’s insurance.

It is also wise to compare rental costs and mortgage rates before deciding to move out on your own.

Final Thoughts

Moving out on your own is an exciting experience.

As we have highlighted, apart form the challenge of loneliness, there are many things to consider before making the big move.

Living in your own apartment means that you’re responsible for all of your bills, utilities, and other expenses.

It also gives you the freedom to live how you want, when you want.

If you’re looking to rent an apartment, check with local landlords and real estate agents.

They will be able to give you more information than you might find online. Also, ask friends and family who have recently moved where they lived.

Indeed moving into your first apartment can be overwhelming but there are many advantages to living on your own, ranging from safety and security to freedom, socialization and personal development.

The problem of loneliness is a legitimate concern but this should not deter you from moving out and living on your own if you have planned your transition well and saved for it. All the best.