Adulting / Living On Your Own

Advice For Living on Your Own

How Much Does it Cost to Live on Your Own in California?

Living on your own is a big move to move on many levels. First off, this would be the first time you are living on your own, looking after yourself and paying your own bills.

There is no doubt that this is huge part of growing up. Form budgeting, security and dealing with loneliness,  this post shares some advice for living on your own.


When starting out, budgeting for living on your own can be one of the biggest challenges you face.

You’ll have limited income and unlimited expenses, and budgeting is crucial to avoid financial catastrophe.

Make a budget before you move out, and keep it up to date. Know what expenses you will have to cover each month, such as your phone bill and car payments.

Estimate your insurance costs, as well. You may need to find cheaper housing, but it’s possible to do so.

Next, determine how much you can afford to spend each month.

Try to stick to the 50/20/30 rule, which is a general guideline, but you can customize it based on your individual circumstances.

Generally, the rule is to limit your monthly living expenses to 50 percent of your income, leaving you with 20 percent for savings or fun expenditures.

This ratio can be more difficult to follow, as many people are still in their early career stages.

But even so, many people manage to make ends meet by finding creative ways to budget their money.

You can use budgeting apps to help you keep track of your spending.

There are many free budgeting apps, such as Mint, that help you organize your savings and forecast your expenses.

By learning your spending habits, you’ll have more control over how much you spend on bills and other essentials.

The app will also remind you of bills and other goals. If you’re worried about spending too much, you can also use Mint to prevent overspending and avoid squandering your money.

The costs that you’ll have to spend on food, healthcare, transportation, and clothing are the basics of living.

You might also want to add other items like Netflix, gym memberships, and other luxury items to your budget, but these are not necessary to live comfortably.

They are the things you need to make your homework and keep you safe. And if you’ve got any other monthly bills, they’ll probably be added in.

Security Devices

Most modern security systems require a Wi-Fi connection and broadband to function.

While broadband availability has improved in recent years, not every house has it. In some rural areas, coverage is not as reliable.

When choosing a security system, make sure it offers a money-back guarantee.

The more compatible it is with your existing home technology, the less likely you are to encounter problems.

There are some options for homeowners who want to install security devices on their own.

A wireless camera or motion sensor is a smart device that sends an alert to your phone or other device.

A wireless device, such as the MURS Alert Probe Sensor, can monitor four separate zones and can monitor several miles away.

It comes with five channels and 38 sub-channels.

The MURS Alert Probe Sensor kit costs $329, while an outdoor camera can be purchased for $27 from Amazon. Other smart devices include smart lights and a security alarm.

A monitoring station will alert you if someone attempts to gain access to your home. Monitoring station personnel will then take action.

This usually starts with a call to you. In some cases, you can also communicate with monitoring station personnel through a control panel.

This 2-way talk feature will be discussed later. If you’re renting an apartment, make sure you check with your landlord before installing these devices.

However, landlords are unlikely to object if you’re able to remove them if you move out.

Another device that can help you stay safe is a smart doorbell. These have a built-in camera that can alert you when someone opens a window or door.

Not only can this deter burglars, it can also help you catch them if they do break in. These devices can also be set up on an old mobile phone.

There are many free apps that turn the phone into a security camera. One of the best ones is called Camio.


A Routine for living on your own should be set up to help you keep yourself on track.

Establish a schedule for cleaning your home and eating. Take time to care for yourself and make sure you do your laundry on time.

When you do not have a roommate, you can enlist a friend or family member to keep an eye out for you while you are out.

It is also a good habit to keep in touch with friends and family, so they know where you are and when to expect you home.

Whether you are an introverted homebody or a social butterfly, setting aside time for yourself to get out of the house is essential.

Try bringing friends over to spend some quality time. It can be a fun experience for both of you.

Living on your own may not seem as romantic as it used to be, but the freedom it can bring you should be cherished.

Incorporating a routine for living on your own is a smart move for anyone.

Whether you are living on your own or living with other people, a routine will help you keep on track with your daily tasks.

While a routine may not be scientifically backed or endorsed by corporate executives, it will keep you on track.

Pick something that works for you and your lifestyle. You’ll be glad you did! So, what are some tips to create a routine for living on your own?

One of the most important parts of a routine for living on your own is setting an alarm.

While setting an alarm to wake up is a wonderful luxury, the lack of structure can lead to a lot of stress.

To reduce your stress levels, try to set a wake-up time and practice a morning ritual.

Routines for living on your own can include getting up early, exercising, and journaling.

Getting To Know Yourself

Getting to know yourself when living on your own is an important part of being a happy, self-sufficient person. You will feel happier if you know what makes you tick and why you do things.

You will be less likely to get into arguments and be unable to work out problems for yourself.

Knowing yourself will allow you to find your own happiness, and you’ll be more likely to avoid toxic people.

Knowing yourself is more than knowing your favorite color or favorite music album. It’s also more than analyzing how other people act and understanding their superficial behavior.

It’s an unpredictable journey that may reveal deep insecurities and make you question your own way of living. Listed below are some ways to get to know yourself better when you’re living on your own.

And don’t forget to take advantage of this time to try out some new activities and hobbies.

Get to know yourself better by taking quizzes and asking yourself how you really feel.

Becoming more aware of yourself will lead you to better decisions, and this knowledge will help you meet your goals.

Knowing yourself better will help you reach your goals and achieve your dreams.

The key to this is to be open-minded and patient. But be cautious. It’s easy to overlook the need for help or seek professional advice.

Getting to know yourself will help you identify your central values. These are the qualities you believe in and want to embody.

If you have a clear idea of what these are, it will be easier to determine what is important for you in life.

It will also help you learn to be patient and to tolerate others. And once you learn to know yourself, you’ll be able to advocate for your own needs in relationships.

Finding A Neighborhood To Hang Out With

It can be challenging to find neighborhood hangouts in a new city, but there are ways to meet people and make friends in your new community.

Try visiting community centers, parks, and theaters. Often, people from the same neighborhood will get together, and you can meet other new people this way.

It also helps to introduce yourself to the new people you bump into. It also helps to smile a lot, which attracts people and sparks conversations.

Dealing with Loneliness when Living on Your Own

If you are a single person, living on your own can get deeply lonely.

Our atomized society makes us more susceptible to loneliness, so keep in touch with friends and family.

One of the things you can consider to alleviate the problem of loneliness if joining a hobby group or finding other like-minded people in your hood.

Remember to be safe when meeting new people.

It’s better to go to public places where you can meet new people than to meet them in your own home.

Final Thoughts

Living on your own can be quite challenging and overwhelming for first timers, however it is an excellent opportunity to develop resilience and independence. All the best.